Angel Falls Wiki
Tanner Pharmaceuticals
CEO: Henry Tanner
Notable Products: Spike

Tanner Pharmaceuticals is one of the oldest companies in Angel Falls. They date back to 1818 as a General store in Angelic Hills, Over the decades they had become a chain of Drug stores, In 1978 they went into producing drugs and cornered the market in Angel Falls, By 1985 they had chains up and down the Eastern Seaboard, and by 1990 they were in 38 states. There success has been founded on the efforts of Henry Tanner who has helmed the company since 1976. In 2003, they discovered Thomas Graves was using Tanner supplies to make the narcotic Spike, he was dismissed yet Tanner held the copyrights for the formula. It wasn't until 2012 a non addictive form of the drug was able to be produced making Tanner the most eligible to produce the drug.
